Wednesday, 21 September 2016

STORY-TELLING UNIT: Story Telling Workshop (Part 2)

Short Story: Cellar Bar

Characters: Fitness trainer and political activist

Fitness trainer - (Tony) - His character consists of a muscular build with a wide chest. He is 6ft2, with dark short side and back hair style. His life style consists of eating, gym workouts and living the 'lad' culture. However Tony has a side to him that no one expects.

Political activist - (Sandra) - Her character consists of a slim physique, pale skin and light ginger hair. She isn't afraid to voice her own opinions especially when she is intimidated. 

Location: Cellar (Cellar bar nightclub)

Sandra has just finished uni (studying politics) and has decided to come home to London. She keeps seeing Tony around in different places (i.e. the train station, town centre etc.) That night she goes out with friends as a back from uni night out. On the night out, however, one of Sandra's friends goes missing. Obviously being a night club, they don't panic (assuming she has just gone off with a guy). Later that night she sees Tony (just a random guy) with her missing friend's phone (it has a distinctive phone case). Panic sinks in. She approaches Tony from behind and grabs his wrist to uncover another item belonging to her friend, this time speckled in blood. He disappears into the crowd. More friends go missing throughout the night with their items appearing in different places (i.e. the bar, the toilet etc.) Ends with Sandra coming face to face with Tony. 


Feedback from lesson:
- Use the characters and situation to your advantage. They're already unique characters and a story can be made from that rather than trying to create something too elaborate.

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