Monday, 20 February 2017

DIRECTIONS UNIT: Rough Cut and Feedback

I decided to get straight into editing my footage in order to produce a rough cut.

Feedback and changes:

I received quite a bit of feedback on my rough cut which I will put into action straight away.

- I used a mix of wide and close shots in the opening conversation between Mark and Juliet. This gave quite an uncomfortable feel and didn't work with the content of the scene.
To change this I will start with a wide angle between the characters and then keep the following conversation in close up and shot-reverse type shots.

- The wedding video took up quite a lot of time, making their reactions to the video look a bit unrealistic. I did put quite a lot of the wedding video in slow motion to give it a more cinematic look, however, this also made it look a bit juddery.
To change this I will change the speed of the video back to normal and cut a few bits of the video out. This way, their reactions seem more immediate and the general flow of the video works better. It will also make it more believable as a wedding video (as opposed to a video just of her, which is what it looks like at the moment).

- In the scene at the door, there were some issues with eye lines and the direction in which the characters were looking. Both characters were looking from screen right to screen left, which doesn't make sense visually.
To change this, I will flip the footage of 'Juliet'. This will make her look from screen left to screen right which will make more visual sense to the audience. I was concerned that this may make the footage look slightly weird and unnatural, however, I will attempt it and see what effect it creates.

- As Mark walks away, it would look better if I were to change the angle so that he walks away from the camera. Therefore, once he has turned around, I will change to the other camera angle.

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