Monday, 13 March 2017

COMMISSIONS UNIT: (Pre Production) Choosing Our Idea / Idea Support

Today we had our ideas support session. We all individually came up with some ideas for our documentary and shared them in this session. I shared my idea of the Mother-Daughter Clubbing documentary which seemed to go down well with Zoe suggesting a "My Embarrassing Mum" sort of angle in order to appeal to the teenage / young adult target audience.

Alex came up with a variety of ideas. His initial idea being a 'day in the life' documentary following a young person with learning difficulties. This idea was short lived as it became apparent that it wouldn't be right for the target audience, gaining parent's permissions could prove difficult and finding the right angle to approach the story with could also be challenging.

Another idea revolved around young drivers / driving lessons / driving tests. Sonia also had a similar idea to do the documentary on cars / driving due to working in a car shop herself. We all contributed to this idea as it is a current topic for our whole group as we all have passed our driving tests fairly recently. Zoe liked this idea but made it clear that we would need to have a very focused angle as there is a lot of information surrounding this topic and therefore our documentary could end up being too broad and vague - meaning that the audience wouldn't would either lose interest or wouldn't properly engage with the subject. As a group we decided that this style of documentary would work best with a presenter. And using them to drive to different places to interview the different test subjects. The segments of the presenter driving can be used to introduce the interview subjects as well as presenting facts and figures about driving. We decided to pick Alex as our presenter as he has a passion for driving - however, Zoe pointed out that he may not be best suited for the role.

Zoe also suggested including some sort of challenge in our documentary in order to make it more appealing and exciting for our target audience. This challenge could be taking away the car from someone who is heavily reliant on their car and see if it is possible to make the same journeys using other means of transport. This would provide our documentary with a fun / comical angle which would appeal to the BBC Three target audience. We decided that Alex would be suitable for this as he uses his car the most out of our group - to drive to Maidstone and Lewisham etc. This supports our idea of using him as our presenter - we will continue to discuss this idea.

We all agree on using this as our idea, we just need to focus on what our angle is going to be and finding the interview subjects for our documentary.

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