Wednesday, 17 May 2017


After our sync assembly workshop with Sam, we decided to start on the sync assembly for our own documentary.

The first thing we did was write the transcripts for our documentary. Myself and Alex split this job equally between us. I transcribed the interview with the insurance broker whilst Alex transcribed the interview with Aidan. We then both did half of the interview with his grandparents.

Once these interviews were transcribed, we highlighted the parts that we wanted to include in our documentary. We all then took different segments of our documentary and put them into a sync assembly. Splitting the work made it a lot quicker and easier.

When putting the highlighted sections into the sync assembly, we realized that certain bits were too long and other bits didn't fit in with narrative of our documentary. We then amended our transcripts / highlighted transcripts so that they were the same as what we included in our sync assembly. We also then amended our edit script so that this fit with the footage that we ended up including in our assembly.

Once we had the sync assembly sorted, we then began adding in more footage, cutaways and GVs. Alex took control of the editing, however, we all helped out with editing different bits. Sonia and Alex edited the opening sequence together as well as doing the interview with Aidan together. I edited the insurance broker interview together and added cutaways and GVs over the interview with Aidan. Jason then began implementing the feedback we received from Zoe and Sam and attempted to make the edit less linear. He did this by trying to fit in parts of the insurance broker interview with the interview with Aidan. He also added markers to the timeline in order to make it easier for future edits.

Whilst editing, we realized there were a few more bits of footage that we needed. Me and Alex decided to film these extra bits - we filmed some more exterior GVs of his car, the establishing shots for the locations and a few more driving clips. We were then able to merge these clips into our edit - this gave our edit a much clear feel - the audience now know where the interviews are taking place rather than just being thrown into the interviews.

During the edit for our rough cut, Alex filmed his commentary. He did this by following the script, however, he changed the wording slightly in order to make it feel more natural and flow better. Where Alex changed the wording, he updated the script.

We implemented the advice from Zoe and Sam in order to improve our documentary. The main things we had to do was make our documentary less linear in order to flow better and to add titles to clarify who people are.

Although it is only a very small part of the documentary, one of my favourite parts is the title. Alex managed to do this by creating a mask on the car so that the title would be revealed as he drove away.

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