Monday 12 February 2018

'AS LIVE' PRODUCTION: VT and Promo Meetings

Today we scheduled meetings for both the VT group and the Promo group to see how far they had come along with the ideas.

VT Meeting

The aim for this meeting was to clearly establish how the VTs would run - what exactly their subject matter was, what locations would be needed, what contributors would be needed and what sort of budget would be needed.

Steals of the Season
A challenge between the presenters to find an outfit for each other with a budget of £30.
They go to a high street - given an envelope with the task and then have to set off from there with a time limit and the budget.
They meet back up at the end with the shopping bags in their hands and discuss how they think it went.
Cut back to studio for outfit reveals.

Locations are being researched, however, there are no confirmed locations so far.
The cast will be the presenters.
The budget is at least £60 as each presenter will be given £30 for the outfits.

Fashion Fails
A documentary style VT exploring how some stores are displaying a certain item for sale and then the customer recieving something completely different. 
Information heavy - more serious topic - looking at misrepresenting items online
Hearing someones online fail story - interviewing someone who has experienced this first hand

Finish with 5 tips for how to avoid this happening to you.

Locations - mainly screen recordings and voice over - showing how websites are showing something then product received is different. Also interviewee's house will be another location.
The cast will be a reporter and the interviewee.
The budget has not been decided.

DIY / Independent Online Seller
A tutorial style VT showing how the independent seller makes their own clothes to sell online.
Could either have another reporter - so that the seller is demonstrating to them how to make the clothes whilst the reporter has a go themselves, or can be done just by the seller as a tutorial to camera.

Locations - the seller's house / studio where they make their products.
The cast will be the independent seller and possibly an extra reporter.
The budget has not been decided.

Old To New
A 'lookbook' style video showcasing trends from different eras and how they can be styled today. Can either be done to music or a voice over.
Similar in style to this Buzzfeed video:

Locations - a studio / background - potentially at Rochester campus
The cast will be models - number of models is undecided
The budget has not been decided but will need to cover the cost of models' expenses and outfits.

Promo Meeting

The aim for this meeting was to establish how far the promo team had come with their ideas and what other information they needed so that they could develop their ideas further. 

Trailer idea:
Presenters look at mannequin in shop window. Go in to the store then run out with mannequin - hinting at the name Steal the style. Locations are being researched. Rochester are happy to let us use their fashion space.
On top of this, have short 10 second promos for social media with logo and time of show at end.

The style will be kept the same across all promo material - with graphics and colour scheme being a constant feature. Reds, pinks, oranges and whites.

Website has been started and keeps tone of the show. Uses same colour scheme and logo.
Include articles and pictures on website as well as social media accounts.

For promo material - Instagram and Facebook will be used to promote the show. The aspect ratio for the clips for these websites needs to be determined for these so that they can be shot with that in mind. Snapchat may be used for behind the scenes material.

Profile picture for social media accounts will be the show's logo. 

I feel that both meetings went well and that people have developed their ideas well. We will have further meetings to discuss the development and changes to the VTs and the promo material.

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