Friday 2 February 2018

DISSERTATION: How To Write the Proposal

- needs to be clear to follow
- clearly establish themes and issues that will be discusses
- points clearly linked together, developed and structured well
- introduce themes and ideas clearly & neatly

- enough depth summarising key findings and return to address the question
- clearly draw together main arguments made and address the question title
- summarise key findings

- new argument point = new paragraph
- signposting and transitions need to ensure the reader is logically guided through
- logically divide up the arguments made

- Harvard
- Pages numbered, indented and line and a half spacing using with 12pt font throughout, expect longer quotes which should be single spaced
- Bibliography alphabetical by surname of author / source

Analysis, evidence and argument:
- rely on many relevant theoretical texts
- depth and breath of sources and ideas to inform and develop your argument points and clearly address / makes connection to the question
- avoid being too descriptive for too long
- avoid referring to yourself and own viewpoints
- avoid describing differences between films & concepts without the use of theory to explore why this might happen / is significant to your thinking / approach
- avoid utilising arguments to make your own points - use referenced materials as a way of providing evidence
- avoid arguments being too difficult to follow
- make sure evidence clearly links with the points being made
- avoid generalised assumptions
- avoid subjectivity and vagueness

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