Sunday 25 March 2018

'AS LIVE' PRODUCTION: Independent Seller Research

To help with scripting the DIY interview I did some research into our Independent Seller, Bonnie Arpino, and her store.

Fresh Air and Buttons is Bonnie's store on the site Etsy - a platform which allows independent sellers like Bonnie to sell their handmade items. This store mainly features children's / baby's clothing as she is in the process of setting up an adult range called 'Poison and Pins'. This will provide a good interview topic as the we can ask Bonnie about the differences between making children's and adult's clothing. 

"Dare to be different" is a line Bonnie uses in the bio for her Esty store - this is ideal for our show as the premise of our show is to display anti-mainstream fashion and showing the audience how they can stand out from the crowd. She also describes her products as "affordable" which is another key element of our programme - our show is targeted towards people with everyday jobs who are looking for fashion which is on trend yet original in its own way and affordable. The fact that each item Bonnie makes is handmade makes them unique which again fits with the tone of our show - if the audience were to buy items from Bonnie (or another independent seller), they would be ensuring originality with their style as these items are not available on the high street. 

Bonnie will appear both in a VT and in the studio. The VT will focus more on her background / story whilst showing the audience how to make an item, whereas the studio section will take an interview format where Bonnie will be asked specific questions about her items / designs, where she finds her inspiration from, what advantages buying from independent sellers gives customers and what advice she would give people either looking to start making their own clothes or looking to buy handmade clothes etc. In the studio, Bonnie will be wearing the item she makes in the VT, bring one item for the mannequin and have some photos of other designs to go on screen. 

Gavin and Conor Deamer had a phone interview with Bonnie to find out more information before the VT shoot and transmission day. Here are notes from that interview:
- She started with baby clothes - then progressed to children's clothes - and is now progressing into adult clothes
- She has to be at home for her son who is autistic - this lead into making clothes as she was unable to go back to work
- She makes her own clothes to wear as well as making clothes to sell

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