Friday 10 November 2017

CRITICAL PERSPECTIVES: Creating Meaning - Intertextuality & Authenticity

Creating meaning

Julia Kristeva (1966 Word Dialogue Novel)......... suggest that texts do not exist in isolation but instead are naturally influenced by other words.

"any text is the absorption and transformation of another"

Therefore there are traces of other works always present in any new work.

It may include overt references

This is also true of the genre into which we place a piece of work
This is because it necessitates us to understand those genre conventions in order to understand the meanings the piece of work holds

Therefore this could include pastiche. So this intertextual relationship can be exploited.

This creates a far more complex and dynamic relationship between the audience and the media text.

Themes to explore in adapting:
- truth and accuracy
- taste and decency
- historical accuracy
- factual accuracy
- realism

Garrow's Law - historical accuracy
- dramatic interventions necessary - inventing a sentence based on other court cases
- characters were merged for simplicity in storytelling

Adaptations of classics can be seen as an exercise in nostalgia - adaptations of classic texts enable contemporary audiences to re visit the past

Class, culture, religion, politics and personal taste

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