Monday 23 October 2017

DIGITAL NEWS: (Post Production) Rough Cut Feedback from Sam

Feedback from Sam:

- Sam suggested that we make the blur around the onion a bit stronger or add arrows to clarify which item Jason is talking about in the voice over - this is because Jason says "these beauties" and there is a singular onion - making it a little confusing for the audience

- Potentially add little graphics or emojis along with the text - e.g. the throwing up / ill emoji along with when Aidan is 'throwing up' - brings our work back to our target audience - young people often use emojis so would find these familiar 

- When introducing Broadditch Farm in the opening anchor PTC - show a GV of Broadditch Farm to establish the location 

- John seemed a little dull (something we disagree with) - maybe add something to liven up his section. E.g. during the myth or fact quiz have a little scoreboard or a timer counting down - we are more keen on having a timer instead of a scoreboard as John only got 1 question right!! So the scoreboard may not add a lot - the timer will work better to make the quiz exciting.

- The noise for the results screen works really well to liven up the piece - it's a nice to have it repeated throughout as well - simple but effective

- Bonus points for the dog

- The GVs in the farm are really good - got a lot of good coverage which gives us a lot of options in the edit

We will take on board all of this advice from Sam and implement it in our edit. We still have a lot we wanted to add anyway but Sam's feedback definitely gives us more direction with the edit. 

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